Penelope and Ulysses
Homer’s great Greek epic is extremely topical, about courage, strength, loyalty, foxiness and love. Penelope and Ulysses are each others compeer. For their entire life, both of them are inspired to act, dream and think in reaching out for each other. Ulysses’ fantastic voyage and Penelope’s faithfulness to her deepest dreams, debouch into a swirling wave, And the sea leads to the bed of the queen.
January 21st – June 6th in The Twentsewelle, Enschede.

Fotografie: Petra and Erik Hesmerg

Fotografie: Petra and Erik Hesmerg

Fotografie: Petra and Erik Hesmerg

Fotografie: Petra and Erik Hesmerg

Fotografie: Othilia Verdurmen

Fotografie: Petra and Erik Hesmerg

Fotografie: Petra and Erik Hesmerg

Fotografie: Petra and Erik Hesmerg

Fotografie: Petra and Erik Hesmerg

Fotografie: Petra and Erik Hesmerg