Foto Exhibitions

Visual artist Othilia Verdurmen created a new path alongside her large, spatial sculptures in textile and steel. Magical two-dimensional landscapes arise using photography. The photos are printed in a special way and covered with a layer of epoxy, creating a spatial effect.
Othilia has therefore been working with Freekje Vervoord and Roderic Rosenkamp from M2UUR and the photographers Erik and Petra Hesmerg.
Photography offers her a new medium to express herself in and it is therefore no coincidence that she finds herself behind the camera. The exhibition at the Jan van der Togt Museum in Amstelveen contains some items photographed by Othilia herself.
One of the principles in the art of Othilia is “light leads the eye”. Looking attentively at all the details, shapes and colors offers viewers a rich source of images and associations. Her huge sculptures, covered by hundreds of structures containing textile, leather, plastic and beads, constantly change shape and color by the way they are captured by the light.
Photography changes details of these sculptures into imaginary landscapes, created by human hands, as well as fugacious and perishing, forever frozen in time by a shutter click.
10-07-2015 tot 30 oktober 2015
Othi art exhibits in the Alzheimer Research Center
Cronenburg 75, 1081 GM Amsterdam

19-06-2015 tot 10-07-2015
Othi art exhibits in the Rembrandt Toren:
Amstelplein 1, 1096 HA Amsterdam
In collaboration with Petra en Erik Hesmerg, Mark Prevot image processing.
Available in limited edition and signed by the artist.
Please contact +31(0) 6 231 22 87